Friday, August 22, 2008

Griffin in the paper

I was pleasantly surprised Thursday morning as I scoped out the front page of The Daily Home. There was the usual smattering of local news, then below the fold sat my son Griffin!

It seems a safety-oriented presentation by the name of Buster the School Bus had visited his school, and either the presenter or school principal had notified the local press of the photo opportunity. It just so happened that Griffin's class was getting see Buster at the same time the newspaper man was there.

The paper is the same one I used to work for (has it really been five years???) and I know the photographer Bob Crisp well, having worked with him many times in multiple capacities. But even knowing the pic was just another routine feature shot, I still felt the wave of pride seeing my kid in the paper! And now I have a new desktop image for my PC (thanks Bob!)

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