Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Soccery jockery

Kids are playing church soccer again this fall. Griffin is into it; Carlie plays and likes it OK even though "mama made me sign up." I like watching them when they want to play. It's a lot of running and (hopefully) paying attention playing soccer, which is good for kids around their age. Weather was perfect for it and for who knows what other fall-ish stuff we might get into soon?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Another trip to the mountains

This time last weekend I was on my way to the mountains about 4 hours away from where I lived for the second time in a month. Just something about the place where my mom's parents were raised, and where he still lives.

Grandnan, my brother Donnie, his son and the Spawn of Rob made good time getting there because I was driving and did not go the retarded 55 speed limit on a bunch of miles along the way. We lucked out making our way across Atlanta, not having to stop or slow down much for the sometimes-snarled traffic there.

When we got to Paw's house Don got the water running (from a creek on the property) and we were set to hit the beds. In the morning we drove to places we usually go see when we are in the mountains. Paw lives in North Carolina a few miles from the Georgia line, and a few more miles and a left turn South Carolina.

The kids liked riding and looking, and what they liked best was swimming that Sunday in the Chatooga River and playing in the current. Aunt Jackie went with us. Right down the road into South Carolina we went and walked in the never-used Stump Mountain railway tunnel. The place is a park and it's an easy walk from the parking area. We did see a copperhead but he was likely in a state of torpor because the tunnel air never gets more than about 58 degrees, just like the cold air going in a cave.

Another time they liked going riding over in North Georgia at a volunteer-run stable and rescue center for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals.

Paw bought us dinner the last Sunday we were there. He is 97 and slowing down but still the pretty much the same guy I knew from when I was a kid going to see him. Aunt Mary was with us that time and I talked to her about things like our relatives and relationships.

Now I have got to figure out something to do next time I have my kids, that won't pale next to trip the mountains. Maybe there is some place nearby that will let the kids ride horses and there just might have been enough rain here to take my son canoeing in one of the good creeks I know around here.